

RN21 – Projeto Integrado Resina Natural 21 (2022-2025). Programa de Recuperação e Resiliência. Coordinator: Colab FORESTWISE.

EpiCork – Unveiling the role of DNA methylation in periderm and lenticel formation (2021-2024). FCT awarded PTDC/ASP-SIL/1717/2020. PI: Vera Inácio, Co-PI: Célia Miguel, Fac. Ciências, ULisboa, Portugal.

Pinheiro-bravo: Conservação e melhoramento dos recursos genéticos (2021-2023), Projeto PDR2020-785-063762. PI: Isabel Carrasquinho, INIAV.

Bringing the ELIXIR plant data infrastructure to the Portuguese pulp and paper industry (2020-2021). Funded by EKES (ELIXIR Knowledge Exchange Scheme). Coordinator: Célia Miguel

PINASTER-PWN – Development of molecular markers for resistance to pine wilt disease in Pinus pinaster (2018 – 2021). FCT awarded PTDC/BAA-MOL/28379/2017. PI: Célia Miguel, Fac. Ciências, ULisboa, Portugal. – Portuguese Biological Data Network (2017 – 2021). PI at partner institution: Célia Miguel. Coordinator: José Pereira Leal, IGC, Portugal)

SuberInStress – Cork formation and suberin deposition: the role of water and heat stress (2018 – 2021). FCT awarded (02/SAICT/2017/029263). (Coordinator: Margarida Oliveira, ITQB NOVA, Portugal)

PATHOmics – Pathogenomics of coffee leaf rust to probe virulence mechanisms and diagnostic markers (2018-2021) FCT awarded (PTDC/ASP-PLA/29189/2017). Coordinator: Dora Batista (FCUL/ISA-CIFC, Portugal)


Previous Projects

ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and drive early user exploitation across the life-sciences (2015 – 2019). H2020, grant agreement no. 676559. PI at Partner Institution: Célia Miguel (Coordinator: Niklas Blomberg, EMBL-ELIXIR, UK)

GENOSUBER – cork oak genome sequencing project (2012 – 2016). QREN – INALENTEJO (coordinated by CEBAL)

DataStorm – Large scale data management in cloud environments (2013 – 2016). PI at Partner Institution: Célia Miguel. FCT awarded EXCL/EEI-ESS/0257/2012 (Coordinator Mário Silva, INESC-ID/INESC/IST)

ProCoGen Promoting a functional and comparative understanding of the conifer genome- implementing applied aspects for more productive and adapted forests (2012 – 2015). PI at partner institution: Célia Miguel (KBBE.2011.1.1-01, Grant agreement no: 289841, Coordinators: Carmen Díaz-Sala, UAH and María-Teresa Cervera, INIA-CIFOR, Spain).

SUSTAINPINE – Genomic tools in maritime PINE for enhanced biomass production and SUSTAINable forest management (2010 – 2013). PI at partner institution: Célia Miguel (Plant-KBBE project, Coordinator: Francisco Cánovas, UMA, Spain)

Gene Regulatory Networks Underlying Phellogen Activity (2010-2013). PI: Célia Miguel. FCT awarded PTDC/AGR-GPL/098369/2008

Transcriptomics of maritime pine embryogenesis (2010 – 2013). PI: Célia Miguel. FCT awarded PTDC/AGR-GPL/102877/2008

Cork oak ESTs Consortium – fruit and embryo development (2009 – 2010). PI: Célia Miguel. FCT awarded SOBREIRO/0029/2009


Participation in Other Projects

Population genomics of virulence adaptation in coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) (2012 – 2016). FCT awarded PTDC/AGR-GPL/119943/2010. PI at partner institution: Célia Miguel (coordinated by IICT)

Conservation and valorization of endangered endemic Portuguese plant species (2010 – 2013). EDP awarded (coordinated by Disease and Stress Biology Lab, ITQB/IBET)

Assessment of genetic and genomic resources of Cork Oak: the basis towards a prospective management (2010 – 2013). FCT awarded PTDC/AGR-GPL/104966/2008 (coordinated by FCUL)

Identification of genes responsible for drought tolerance in Jatropha curcas, an emerging biodiesel plant (2010 – 2013). FCT awarded PTDC/AGR-GPL/101435/2008 (coordinated by Genomics of Plant Stress Lab, ITQB/IBET)

Resposta Biotecnológica ao Problema do Nemátodo da Madeira do Pinheiro (2009 – 2010). PI at partner institution: Célia Miguel (coordinated by ESBUC). Autoridade Florestal Nacional, Ministério da Agricultura

Molecular and Functional Characterization of Genes Involved in the Embryogenesis of Maritime Pine (2005 – 2009). FCT awarded POCI/AGR/57902/2004

Functional Characterization of Genes Related to Nitrogen Metabolism in Genetically Modified Maritime Pine (2005 – 2008). FCT awarded POCI/AGR/57157/2004

Scientific exchange program for pine embryogenesis (2005 – 2007). FLAD awarded (519/05)